Kurse von und mit Marí Emily Bohley | The Moving Line

04.09.2015 16:00–06.09.2015 17:00 Ort:

files/stadtteilhaus/Ablood/Zeitmiete Veranstaltungen/Mari Emily Bohley/Massimo.jpg

The dancing line of Corsiva Romana
mit Massimo Polello

“... If we had examples of the earliest calligraphy (as opposed to formal writing) we would see the evolution of human emotion. Strictly speaking, informal cursive is the only valid written expression of the inner life of a culture. ...Cursive calligraphy is full of movement and emotion. Calligraphy that runs along the page, in the full flow of writing, is filled with movement and life. Cursive writing breathes rhythmically, like a dancer. Cursive writing is a graphic dance.”   Hans-Joachim Burgert: "The Calligraphy Line" Berlin, 1989

Chronologically, the Roman Cursive is inserted between the 1st century BC and the 4th century AD. This style was developed at the same time as the official writings of the State, Capitalis Rustica, Uncial and Quadrata. It is commonly considered the cursive form of the capital letter. While the Quadrata and Rustica are written carefully and meticulously, the Roman Cursive seems to be written quickly, without care and is often difficult to read. In reality, its apparent rhythmic disorder (chaos) has an extraordinary musicality of the line that is expressed through the connections between the letters. It is, in my opinion, pure writing. Its protagonist is not a geometric form, but the LINE – a line that dances, that moves in the space, until it creates a harmony of signs. The letters are not formed according to a rigid pre-ordered scheme, but are modified according to the single movement. This course aims to pause and consider this aspect of the line of writing, that “dance” in the space, and its expressive potentialities in greater detail. We will explore the “horizontal movements” (Latin, Arabic calligraphy) and the “vertical movements” of the writing (Chinese). We also intend to work on the more experimental aspects - the use of writing tools, starting with fine pointed brushes, and different techniques of developing and researching writing expression. At the end of the course, participants will design and bind a small booklet. The student will put into practice all the elements they have discovered during the process, exploiting the compositional and creative aspects of calligraphy.

Ein Materialliste wird vor Kursbeginn bekannt gegeben.

Termin: 4. bis 6. September 2015
Zeit: Fr 14 Uhr bis So 15 Uhr
Gebühr: 190,- €
Anmeldung: info@mari-emily-bohley.de oder diesem Link folgen 

Homepage von Marí Emily Bohley

Massimo Polello Grafik Designer arbeitet in Turin, Italien.


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